Does this dream I had mean anything?

so here's how the dream goes last night

it was my last day of highschool before i graduated in 2014 my young cute female English teacher who i had a crush on had a piece of paper with her instagram and facebook on it not sure if he was shy or nervous but she quietly says yea i asked if i can have the piece of paper with her instagram and facebook she does not say anything she looks nervous or unsure i asked again may i please have it she says sure and hands it to me

i'm not even sure if she has a instagram in real life



How fascinating. 

Pirate AM™2020-05-06T13:04:45Z

No, it doesn't have any real meanings.  Dreams are basically a side effect of your brain storing, reorganizing and associating memories, somewhat like what happens when your hard drive is defragged and reindexed
