So, during this crisis you don't want any food to eat? If you were a farmer - I'm sure the last thing you'd do is donate anything. Farmers are in business to make money.
Boxing things up and shipping them cost money. They need to coop to make a vertical corporation that canes or otherwise processes their product so it can be "amazoned" out.
I wouldn't want destroyed crops or animals. messy!
Ah, you've missed the point. The reason they are destroying their goods is because they can't ship them. The truckers and trains are shutdown, like most of our economy. So they are dumping their vine ripened tomatoes, for example, because they can't get anyone to cart them off to the grocery stores.
And the same is true for the food banks. They can't get anyone to take their goods from the farms to the food banks. There have been a few private truck drivers come to the rescue but the drayage and long-haul industry itself has shut down.
Christin K
Well--what do you think a person who is hungry or a poor community can actually DO with 4 acres of soybeans? Or 1000 bushels of corn? Or 65 square miles of wheat?
I can certainly understand some farmers donating produce, eggs, milk, or cheese to impoverished communities. But they can't simply GIVE someone a cow or a pig, or bulk "crops". And there is a question of getting it TO those who need it.
It's a lovely idea--and very altruistic. But it's not physically practical.