Why is it racist to call Covid 19 the Chinese virus since it originated in Wuhan, China?


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Because China doesn't want to accept responsibility and will impede any investigation levelled against them.

Aussie Battler2020-05-23T10:31:08Z

Silly political correctness which costs lives. 


Other epidemics have not been called by the place name. The swine flu started in the US and Mexico. No one really knows where the Spanish flu started, except that it wasn't in Spain. It was called that because the Spanish press could write about it, unlike the journalists in the countries that were fighting WWI. There's some indication it started in the US- the first person diagnosed was a US soldier, but the soldiers had been all over the world. H1N! wasn't called by a place name. The only reason people want to label this virus the China virus is because they want to blame China. Trump encourages that because he wants to deflect from his own incompetence. 


Alt-right = whine then blame but we got no ideas. It's a virus, it wasn't MADE anyplace, it just IS. Maybe we should call it the Oliver virus?


So  .. Spanish Flu should actually be re-named American Flu then ?
Oh, someone has already made that point, I see.

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