Fellow Christians, what can you add to a person's claims about Christian salvation, that you only need to believe in Jesus. Is this true?

   He needs to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, to be saved.  Jesus is God. 
All believers are still sinners that still sin.  All of them. 
   Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ means being forgiven all sins past and future, and means going to heaven.  Not an excuse to sin. 
   He should try to stop for other good reasons.  But all believers are still sinners. 
And Jesus came to save sinners. 
   Here is the truth:  Death leads to immediate heaven or hell.
The only way to have eternal life, the only way to be in heaven and avoid hell, is by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life (John 6:47). 

   It is that simple and that easy.  It is too late to be saved after death. 
Jesus is God and Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). 

   Nothing else pays for our sins, not works from us or anything else, and Jesus already paid for our sins with His death and blood.  You cannot add any works to getting into heaven (Romans 4:5)

MY NOTE: John 6:47 does speak about faith. But Romans 4:5 can easily be abused by people claiming to be a Christian and yet living in sin, without any change in conduct.

   Also Lord Jesus Christ taught "If you love me, keep my commandments."

Or this “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

How to correctly understand all these teachings?


Anonymous, talking about Mat 7:21-23. Why did you block me - are you afraid of a Christian reply?

Apparently you wrongly understand salvation by faith.

You think that it means you only need to believe and continue living like a worldly sinner - without any works.

But Jesus told to keep His commandments. I cannot say that i could do enough to earn my way to God's Kingdom of Heaven, but i still must do that for God's service and for good of others and my own too.


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In one sense, I believe that is true, if you narrowly define "being saved" as getting admitted to heaven after you die. 

But in another sense, "being saved" is something that lasts throughout your life, and is about being changed to become more like Christ as you are guided and enabled to leave your old habits of sin behind and become a new kind of person to fulfill your purpose in life- something constructive and not destructive. This process requires you to make every effort to focus on and obey God's teaching in your life.

Just as with habits that make you physically healthy, habits that make you spiritually healthy should be pursued consistently, because if you go too long without progressing, you are sure to regress.


If you don't believe God, then what good are you to Him? Hence, salvation through faith, only. It is the starting point for believing God and trusting God. 

What you probably should have mentioned is that God, as a result of one repenting and believing the gospel, gives that person His Holy Spirit; a new heart. God changes the person into a son/daughter of God, now capable of producing good fruits "wrought in God." 


"Believe in" Jesus, meaning accepting His teaching and living by it. Not just believing He existed.


"Keeping commandments" isn't about heaven and hell.  It is about other issues, like honoring the Lord and helping others.  Matthew 7:21, the will of the Father is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Doing good works are good for other reasons.  But don't add any works to getting into heaven.  Romans 4:5.  You are on the path to hell with your "works", so beware.


Technically, that’s true.  Belief and faith in Jesus is all that is required.  Unfortunately, that equates to many believers as just mentally acknowledging that Jesus existed, and that’s not what it means.
 “Believing” in him means following  him and imitating him, making him your master.

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