If you were a deceptive, malevolent, evil deity?

You might, as a strategy, compel early followers to write a holy book with deceptive, malevolent, conniving, evil stories about how one should behave toward those who are different or don't believe....Hmm what to call such a book?...any ideas?


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I just realized that the word 'bible' is curiously close to the word 'babble', which means to speak in a meaningless manner; nonsense words. Now you have me thinking maybe that's more than a coincidence...


I think the book is called the holy bible. That was written by such people who were influenced by evil. 

I blame Eve. If only she would have left that fruit alone things might have been different. 


GOD IS PERFECT SO THE WORD DEITY DOES NOT BELONG WITH the word "evil". Satan is the wicked one to avoid like plague...FOR the devil's book it could be called '"what to do to ruin your whole future"