I'm a skinny girl. How to get used to showing my body more?

Don't get me wrong, I love my body. I'm not ashamed of it but I do feel self conscious around others. So much so that in public at least, I don't wear shorts. I don't wear skirts or dresses. Nothing that shows my legs. It's become more and more a habit for me, summer after summer, to wear pants and suffer. I thought for awhile that maybe I'm just not a girly girl, but I think it's more so about what others must think and I shy away from more revealing clothing. So how to just be more confident is more what I'm saying?? I'm five foot two and maybe ninety pounds


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girl, I felt that I'm 5 foot 4 and 80 lbs, yes I do eat, Just forget what people will think and feel comfortable in your own skin


You don't need to walk around in a bikini so relax.
Wear dresses, yoga pants, tank tops and t shirts... it is summer. Look sporty.


I imagine gauzy loose flowing dresses that "reveal" your figure in the way the fabric touches as you move and as the wind blows would be perfect for you.
Best of luck.