Question for Reform Jews about Shabbat?

Let's say I am using the pool with the family, and the pump goes out. Do I fix it to make the wife and kids happy? To me it isn't work. It is making the family happy. Thank you to anyone that gives me an opinion. I don't consider it work if it isn't hard labor.

Thank you.


The answer depends on how reformed the respondent is or may be. Generally, Shabbat and work, of any kind, don't go together, even if the one working doesn't regard it as such. At the same time, there are many reform Jews who do not observe the Sabbath and, for them, there is no issue. Rather than depend on the opinion of others, you need to decide the camp or school to which you belong. The Fourth Commandment is very clear, but you are the one who decides what it means for you and how you observe the Sabbath, if at all.


It's pretty clear.  Everyone gets out of the pool and you don't fix it.

Part of this depends on how "reformed" you are.  My husband is Orthodox.  You chose an easier path.  I think it's a matter of conscience.