Is my step son being bullied?

My son and daughter are living with my step son in a house I own.  My step son is saying that living with my children has become unbearable, because they harp on him for leaving his dirty dishes out and have toss his laundry on the floor.  From what I understand is that he will dirty a dish and leave it for days claiming he is will wash it later and that he is too tired.  And as for the laundry he leaves his laundry in the machine/dryer and expects the others to finish drying it or re-wash it if its been left in the washer for a few days.  They have all lived together for about a year and my children are feed up with my step son wanting to be mothered by them.  My wife is saying my children are bullying her son and I think they are sick of his laziness.  So is my step son being bullied by my children or not?


Turns out the step son has some hoarding tendencies that are really disgusting.  Its was much worse than I thought.


No, your stepson is not being bullied.  He just wasn't raised right and has no respect for others (I dare you to tell your wife that).   A person can be as sloppy and dirty as they like when they live alone, but roommates deserved consideration-he's not a child.
Your stepson is acting like he's 13 and mommy is running around cleaning up after him


You and your wife need to sit down and go over family rules for ALL the kids, you have to be on the same page,
then you sit down with all the kids and tell them the ground rules for behavior.  Each of them needs to be responsible for their own dishes and they need to be done the day they are dirtied,  each is responsible for washing drying and folding their own laundry and are not to just throw a load in the wash and leave it,  Any washing has to be put in the dryer within 1-2 hours of starting the wash and out of the dryer in an hour.   You have to present a united front.  She needs to have the talk with her son and keep him accountable


sounds like they are trying to help him to me..he has got some really bad habits