After the Trump bible/church photo op, it seems clear how religion is often used to manipulate believers. Agree or Disagree?


I've always agreed religion has been used to manipulate believers. 
And I'm a Christian. 

Bobby Jim2020-06-05T16:47:31Z

Why is it when Trump takes his Bible across to St John's, it creates an uproar? Nobody even mentioned that Antifa tried to burn the church down the night before! When Bill Clinton took his Bible across to St John's when he was in office, everyone thought it was an honorable act and he became the darling of faith among Democrats.  


It clear others should improve on Trump's display instead of demonizing Trump.

Desolate the Toothsome2020-06-05T16:11:00Z

Sure it is politics.

That was an attempt at potent combination of both, but he botched it.

He excels at botchery.



Agree.  Attacking peaceful protesters to clear a path for him to pretend that God is on his side is one of the most flagrant misuses of religious symbolism in recent memory.

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