people who help just-released prisoners?

Some time ago I read about a guy who meets prisoners right as they get out of prison (I think it was in California) and he spends the first 24-48 hrs with them getting them used to how things have changed in the time they were incarcerated. Is there an organization where that's part of what they do? I'd like to know more about it/them if so.


it doesn't need to be a California org, but hopefully one in the US. More like acclimation help, less job-finding help.


My County has a very similar program.  I have no idea which County in California you are referencing.   I do not see that this is a State program.


It will depend on country.....where I live prisioners are helped to apply for jobs, lots of employers are engaged in employing prisoners and they are given work release days while still serving, so they go to work and return back to prison at night, they are also take out prior to that along with an officer, to shop or travel on the bus/train, get used to noise, tech, etc, given help in finding a place to live if they have no home/family  to return to......

But I do not live in the USA and the justice system here is more about retraining/reeducating so reforming behaviour so they have a better chance of being a useful member of society than locking people up and throwing away the key like in the US