Religion & Spirituality, what do you propose do with multi-account trolls, who slander people with false accusations?

This site is often plagued by satanist/nazi trolls with many accounts and when confronted they start harassing people.

There have been a series of anonymous questions accusing people, including me, using forged screenshots, for example renaming one of their accounts to my name and posting racist or anti-Jewish propaganda. Though it was seen to be a fake - seeing how this picture captured the Edit button, which is only seen to authors of the question, or their account did not have Level 7 as mine.

Then this person would use multiple accounts to answer such questions to spread falsehood about me or others. I ask you to report them and such accounts, which make outrageous claims without evidence - without links to actual questions.


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EDIT: Look at all of the TDs I have just from 1 person (gangster ghost). He's a stalker and a loser. Like I really care about TDs? LOL

I asked that person to provide a link several times and he wouldn't.

I think most people can distinguish between you and the fake.

Some people just have too much time on their hands, and need to grow up.

I think that's too much to ask from many of the trolls here.

I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

A multiple account troll used my avatar on one of his many accounts to impersonate me a couple of days ago.

Nobody would ever believe that "Mr. X" is me.

His horrific grammar gives him away every single time.


Atheism, Christianity, Satanism etc. are all religions


You are taking this too seriously. It's meant to be a bit of fun so lighten up and enjoy it


I propose I do nothing about trolls. They can be entertaining and I don't have to pay attention to them. I only have one account and that saves me a lot of time and effort. But that's just me. Let them have a little fun! 🥳