Slavery and George Washington?

In the light of the recent anti-racism protests, and the anti-slavery statue protests in the UK, can we expect Mount Rushmore to be dynamited because George Washington features there? Mr Washington was a slave-owner.  

I await with eagerness any constructive reply. 


France, a terrible slaving imperialist country at the time, was hugely instrumental in helping the US to gain its independence. Maybe you should just cancel the USA's right to call itself 'the land of the free'. The Native Americans, raided other native american tribes to get slaves to sell to the Europeans; and they only got the notion of 'chattel slavery' from the invading Europeans. The Europeans got it from the Romans and Islamic world.  The whole modern world is built on the shoulders of slaves! Respect their sacrifice and live in peace; you cannot physically rewind and alter history., even though the anarchist enemy within is insisting that you can.


Racism is part of human history. Even in Africa blacks killed other blacks on race. Blacks in Africa had slaves and sold them to white slave owners .
   As for GW yes he was a slave owner as the founding fathers were .
   Now I will throw this it at you. If there was no slavery in America the black population would not be what it is today .
   I hate slavery it was a horrible Affliction men did to other men .
  But if it never happened where would the US be today . 
   Tearing down old monuments does nothing to change the past other than helps us forget the past . When history is not remembered it gets repeated especially the mistakes .
   I want nothing more than to have equality and no more violence . If we give into violent protesters aren’t we continuing the madness .

The Oracle of Omigod2020-06-12T21:05:05Z

I know you ate trying to be thought-provoking.  Keep in mind that every society in history has had slaves and slavery is still common in other countries.