Which myth has more true believers Yahweh or Santa?


Favorite Answer

Santa of course you can clearly see his presents everywhere.


Yahweh is real.

Your myth Santa, an anagram of Satan, the father of lies.

Weasel McWeasel2020-06-16T09:08:04Z

Santa Claus......he gets more mail by far. 

although, there was an interesting movie once, called  "Letters to God". 

where a postal employee , in the dead letter office,  takes it upon himself to start answering some of the letters addressed to GOD. 

The post office in Manhattan use to let people read,  (and answer, if they wanted)   the letters to Santa Claus.  I use to do it every Christmas when I lived there. 


At any given time since the latter myth was manipulated by the Coca-Cola company as a promotional campaign, there will be a few million little children believing this myth to be true. They reach a certain age when it dawns on them that it's just a story adults have told to try to make them behave better. But ever since recorded history till today, there have been billions of believers in the God of Creation.


The myth that you're not a dumb@ss has but one misguided believer.

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