Got ghosted by 3 different girls after 1 date this month. What am I doing wrong?

I'm very discouraged right now because I met 3 different girls online that all showed a lot of interest in me at first but after 1 date they all ghosted me in various forms. I hate online dating but its hard to find other means to meet people with covid. Ill try to briefly provide context in summary:
- Girl 1 1st date was at her house, the vibe felt like she wanted to hook up but I am morally against that on the first date, and after I expressed I wanted to wait she lost interest
- Girl 2 went out to dinner, other than an awkward reply to me asking her a general question (what she was looking for from online dating), I thought it went alright but I never heard from her again after she thanked me for dinner.
- Girl 3 was also dinner date but I thought it went very well, however I avoided asking what she was looking for (based on girl 2 response) and kept conversation light. We talked for a few days afterwards but then she ghosted me too

I'm know kinda shy and socially awkward, but I'm a very good at listening/asking about her, I do not text repeatedly or with neediness, and I'm not emotionally volatile or anything. I really don't understand what is going wrong. "Experts" like Cory Wayne say guys should flirt and go for hook ups but that's not my personality. Do I need to text differently? Or do I just need to give up the online dating platform altogether and wait til something natural happens?

Any advice would be appreciated, this is all very discouraging to me. Thanks


Favorite Answer

Girls are shallow. Maybe they found you boring or just not very thrilling. Maybe it had nothing to do with your personality at all. I’m not gonna say you’re unattractive, but these girls might not have been physically attracted to you. Not sure if you showed pictures before 
you met up or not. I would not get discouraged, keep trying. There is the right girl out there for you somewhere. Online dating is pretty difficult as people mostly just want to hook up. I’d just meet a girl in real life despite the covid. Maybe you’ll run into a girl at the grocery store or something and hit it off. 


1- Maybe she thought you were overly religious. Saying you are "morally opposed" is weird.
2- What you said here isn't weird. Something else must have been a factor in her decision. 

I don't know exactly what you're doing. I wasn't there. You don't always have to be doing something wrong for people to ghost you. I ghosted one guy because of a "vibe" and can't think of any real reason. It's not always about you. 


🥴 Wait til something natural happens. 

Try speed dating in the meantime. 

Girls were bored, homeboy. They want safety but they also want sparks. And girl 1, like many, want sex immediately.

🥴 I hope you're not finding these girls on Tinder? Tinder is usually JUST for speedy hook ups.