I live on a very large piece of property. On about 5 acres of this property is a hill that slopes at (what is approximately) a 45 degree angle. If I try to mow it with my tractor I will flip. I also think that a zero turn mower or a ride on mower will also flip. Am I going to be relegated to having to use a push mower? Thank you.
Christin K2020-06-21T12:03:08Z
Favorite Answer
Instead of using a power mower I would first trim it with a weed-whacker. The danger of a mower on such a steep slope is very real--even a push mower is going to be tough. The alternative is not to mow it at all. Let the wildflowers and grass grow. it's good for the environment.
I have a steep front yard. It has five sets of seven granite steps with a four foot grass landing between each set of steps. It is pretty steep.
Because it is a sunny location, I have purposely planted something gardeners hate...crownveitch. it chokes out weeds and spreads to bloom pretty lavender pink flowers and it is deer resistent. It can be invasive and that is good for steep slopes as it prevents erosion. Close to the steps, I planted several varieties of sedum. You can purchase a tray of sedum from Home Depot or Lowes (sorry, I forgot where I got mine). The sedum comes in a tray that you cut like a tray of brownies and plant about 12 inches apart. I did that two years ago and now I have an endless "carpet" of lovely sedum that is currently blooming as it prevents weed growth.
Depending on how steep, you can mow by going straight up and down. Do not go across the slope. If it is too steep, I would suggest using a string trimmer. Good luck