Marge Schott?

The University of Cincinnati has announced that due to remarks perceived as anti-semitic and racist made by former Reds owner Marge  Schott forty or fifty years ago, it will remove her name from a library and baseball stadium she donated to the school. Think they will give back the money?


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Give it back? Really? Did you type that with a straight face?

Weasel McWeasel2020-06-27T06:43:18Z

I  am sure her heirs and lawyers will have something to say about that. 

The Football God2020-06-25T10:08:45Z

Freedom. If the University truly wants to distance themselves from her, THEY MUST RETURN IT.


Heh, heh, you're a funny guy. The school will probably use that $2M to buy watermelon for the next BLM rally it holds.

18 gibbs 202020-06-23T19:13:29Z

No chance.  You can bet the lawyers went over the donation details with a fine tooth comb to make sure they can't be forced to give back the money.

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