Can ghosts sue people?

If people found concrete proof that ghosts were real, and everywhere, could they take us to court for disturbing their graves, or trying to bust them, or posting pictures of them on the internet to prove that they are real without permission from the ghost?


Favorite Answer

You have far too much time on your hands.  But, legally, lawsuits are for damages.  What would the damages be?  Disturbing graves that the ghosts don't own?  No.  Trying to "bust them" (whatever that means)?  I don't see the damages.  Posting photos on the Internet?  No.  I could post your photo on the Internet if I chose to do so.

So, no, ghosts can't sue people.


Only if they can find a way to pick up a pen and sign the papers.

scott b2020-06-23T17:48:18Z

I was going to make a pun about Habeus Corpses, but that would go right over almost everyone's head here, so...