Oprah Winfrey claims white people are privileged when she owns 9 homes. Exactly who is privileged?


In general white people are more privileged than others. Look at the average income of whites versus that of others. Oprah is an exception to the rule, both because she is a woman and because she is black. Usually women earn less money than men.
As an aside, I am a white woman and I admire Oprah. I think she is a great speaker.


Those who complain the most about privilege are often the most privileged and pampered sections of society.


I am sure "it's all about money for you", but "white privilege" has NOTHING to do with money.  It's how store clerks follow black people around stores "because they are probably shoplifting", assume that black people "dropped out of high school", are "single mothers", and "eat fried chicken every day".  Yes, I'm sorry to inform you that the vast majority of black people don't do such things, and Oprah herself (she has mentioned this several times) faced these things before her face was known around the world.


Oprah Winfrey is not your typical black woman any more than Barack Obama is your typical black man.

Statistically, the fact that white women have much better opportunities, end up with much higher salaries, face less domestic violence, live longer etc is undeniable.

Yeah, it is interesting to hear the exception to the rules (um, statistics) speak up, but the numbers don't lie.


And she is the exception not the rule, how many Black people don’t even own 1 house.

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