Tenant refuses to vacate at the end of tenancy, and doesn't pay rent. Can landlord cut off the electricity to the apartment after warning?
This is a situation in the UK. A rents out her apartment to B on a 5 year contract. Towards the end of the contract, A gives notice to B that the contract will not be renewed , and asks B to vacate. B carries on staying in the apartment and doesn't pay rent. A serves an eviction notice, and B still stays and doesn't pay rent.
Now, can A cut off the electricity supply to the apartment lawfully, after giving final warning to B?
Where I live (USA) that would be called an illegal eviction. Surely you have a court system there, too?
No you cannot do anything that would harass the tenant You will be breaking the law. You will have to go through a legal process and ultimately get them legally evicted. If you threaten or harass them in any way the court will not consider you a responsible landlord and it will just prolong the sitution. The tenant will probably be aware of all the legal loopholes and dig their heels in until the bailiffs come! It is not fair but the law seldom is. Tread carefully and don't loose your cool !
I am in the U.S..... but I have to assume laws are similar everywhere. You CANNOT shut off utilities, or otherwise harass a tenant. You need to post eviction notices, than after the time period required by law, go to the court for an eviction order. I would highly recommend hiring an attorney who deals with rental issues, as anything you do in violation of the laws may find you fined, not having a legal eviction, or the tenant being allowed to stay.