Why don't San Francisco landlords lower the rent to $750.00 per month, so Working Class people can afford to live there?


They don't care who lives there. Rent is set at what the market will bear. If half the people moved out of Kalifornia, demand would drop, home values would drop, and rent would drop. When demand is high, costs are high to buy a building. I would venture to guess an apartment building is in the 10's of millions.

ron h2020-07-03T02:22:09Z

If a house costs $500,000 to buy the payment on the loan is about $4000 per month.  4000>750


Because the mortgage and other costs and $2000 per month and if they did that they'd go bankrupt - duh.


I guess that you don't know how property taxes work.


Not the landlords fault the cost of living in CA is so high. Blame the ******* politicians...

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