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The policies that were put in place after the Ferguson and Baltimore riots ended with thousands more black homicide victims over the following years.
We're already seeing the results of this new round of BLM, where murder rates (with mostly black victims and perps) are skyrocketing to levels not seen in years.
The policies BLM favor have the distinct result of more black people becoming victims of other black people. Including thousands more murder victims each year.
But, apparently, those black lives don't matter.
Look at the wonton violence from the mob in the video. The guy smashing the car window, and the crazy woman yelling and kicking the car door don't look like they are reasonable people that will end violence once their concessions have been agreed to.
These types are radicals. They are terrorists, not diplomats.
For anyone asking "what violence", get off your facebook and google directed results which shield you from reality. Alternative media sources are now the only sources for actual, unbiased news.
Look for yourself:
Brother X
What violence?
Just more demands
Not a chance. They will never stop.