Why do plumbers avoid even refuse to work on mobile homes?


Favorite Answer

There is a good chance that they will not get paid.


I didn't know they did, but that's a bit stupid!

Asim Adeeb2020-07-06T18:09:43Z

Most Probably they Dont Like Mobile Services,

Christin K2020-07-06T12:03:54Z

Mobile home plumbing is notoriously difficult to work on because it is hard to get at, is sometimes substandard, and tricky to fix without special parts. 

princess pounder2020-07-05T14:08:54Z

many mobile homes have poor quality clamped together water pies that don't meet codes cause trailer parks are not covered by local building codes. I stay away from trailer repairs. It can ruin my reputation when things go wrong in the future. 

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