Is $1001 good settlement from $1560?

My wife messed up her CC a couple years ago. Debt collector came to this settlement. Should I accept it or just let it drift off the credit report in like 2027?


Accept it, it's better on your credit report back to show you had the responsibiltiy to pay it and since she got the advantage of the 1560 she SHOULD pay it


No.  Anything less than the full amount is very bad.  Even if the debt collector wants to trick you into paying less, you should insist on paying every penny that you owe.  Once you settle for anything that is less than you owe, even just one penny less, you are stuck with the fact that you settled on your credit for the full 7 years, and you cannot do anything to get it removed.


IMO she should pay what she actually owes.   


Ann Gray2020-07-06T19:51:19Z

Accept it,  it looks better on your credit report to show you had the responsibiltiy to pay it and since she got the benefit of the 1560  she SHOULD pay it