Are non venomous snakes bad for cats?
I wanna kidnap one next time it comes to my patio and keep it in my house for free pest control. I heard king snakes kill rattlesnakes too. But will they also attack my cats? Or are they friendly?
I wanna kidnap one next time it comes to my patio and keep it in my house for free pest control. I heard king snakes kill rattlesnakes too. But will they also attack my cats? Or are they friendly?
Favorite Answer
Bad idea. The cat will be trying to kill the snake and the snake will be forced to defend itself. Besides if you have mice or rats ( the only thing a king snake would really be interested in eating) your cat would take care of them. This is a very poorly though out plan in my opinion.
Likely the snake won't hurt the cat, but if the snake is large, and its a new born kitten, the snake will kill and eat the baby. Wild snakes don't make good pets and hard to provide the right food for them IF they even eat it.
If you want a snake for a pet, set up a very large tank and buy a domesticated snake that is used to being handled. Wild snakes will bite you and don't like to be handled.
The snake would not attack a cat; cats are too big for them to eat. However, if the cat approached the snake, it would get bitten.
More likely that your cats will attack and kill it. The cats should be sufficient pest control.
I don't think anacondas are venomous. I think you're good to go.