Question for the ladies?

What would you do if you found your husbands/boyfriends porn collection?

A. Would you tell him to get rid of it?
B. Would you not care and just let things be?
C. Would you watch it with him?
D. Other Reaction.


I don't have to find my boyfriend's porn collection.... it's there, i know it, who cares?  It's adult entertainment.  What right does someone have to tell a guy to get rid of their personal property?  

Porn has been around for thousands of years in some form.   Not sure why girls are so shocked that it exists, as if it's something new. 


Boyfriend: I wouldn’t like it, but would give him a break.
Husband: Absolutely not. I would make him get rid of it. The wife should be the only sexual pleasure he desires in marriage. 


B or c. Maybe it’s educational 😉

Smoochie Cuddlekins2020-07-13T02:58:26Z

I would be telling him to get rid of it or I'd do it for him. 


I’d watch it myself and if it was some messed up stuff then I’d probably have a nice talk about it with him but if it’s nothing unusual I’d leave him be