Does she like me and did she creat a fake bf infrontbof me?

During the intial stage of our friendship I asked my friend for a coffe with me. She said " yes, next week " when she is free. Few mins after that in another topic she mentioned that her boyfriend is from Europe. Before that during the 2 - 3 weeks we spoke she never said she had a BF.

She never gave me that time for coffee and I also did not ask again, sp given that she indirectly told me that she had a bf. But I continued to be friendly with her as she was a good person and because we studied at the same uni and kept bumping into each other.

She also did leave to Europe and she said she was visiting her boyfriend. I asked her wheather I could visit her at the bus stop and to give me the time as the bus stop was close to my place. She responded with the affermative and gave me the time.I went to the bus stop to say goodbye to her. She took a bus to the airport. I noticed that none of her housemates came to the bus station. She was alone. So we spent half an hour together at the bus stop. Only friendly chat. We spoke about some guy on news and I mentioned that the latest news is he seemed to have a lot of grilfriends. She responded saying that did not sound good. I smiled and said, well he could get girls. If I could I would also get a lot of girls. She kind of looked shocked when I said this, and she was speecless. 

I honestly thought she was visting her boyfriend. But that reaction she had was unusal. Why does she care if I go around girls.

Is this European BF fake?


1. No the boyfriend isn't fake. Don't flatter yourself.
2. She was shocked because up until you said what you said, she probably thought you were a nice enough guy.
3. Just because her roommates or other friends didn't come to the airport (which isn't really required) does not mean she doesn't have friends or that you are her most important friend. You've known her a matter of weeks. 

Your possessive behaviour is probably freaking her out....Cool it.

chris n2020-07-13T09:58:49Z

Probably not a fake boyfriend.  She probably would have had that coffee if you had reminded her again the following week.....but you didn't.  You said something unexpected to her to which she had no reply.  That's all.   If you like her, carry on talking to her.  The b/f is a LDR so will probably fizzle out in due course as they aren't sustainable without lots of visits - so you are in with a chance I think


from your long story i could not understand one thing: why did u think her room mates should have followed her to the airport? room mates usually are not even friends. also friends wouldn't follow u to the airport in most of the cases. so whether her boyfriend is fake or not i can not tell u based on your clues