have you heard of "furlough" in the past before covid?

hello. I started working since 2005, and I don't remember ever hearing this word "furlough" before. After covid broke out, I have been furloughed on and off and I started hearing this word frequently. this word sounded so foreign to me in the beginning, but it seemed for most people, it has been around frequently for long time, like the "PTO", or " laid off", etc.  

I was just wondering, if I'm the only one who never heard this word until this covid or this word has been used in work place frequently but for some odd reason I just hadn't been exposed to it. Thanks. 

Christin K2020-07-19T16:32:53Z

Of course I've heard the word--I worked for the government for 31 years. A FURLOUGH is a temporary lay-off. You are expected to come back when the furlough ends. You still retain your benefits but you aren't usually eligible for back pay for the days you didn't work. Furloughs can last anywhere from a day to weeks. If you are laid off--you aren't expected to be brought back. It's not being fired--it's just ending your work relationship because of budget cuts, or staff cuts, or something--and they don't expect to have you back. Your benefits also end if you're laid off. Basically, it's being let go without negative reasons attached. Laid off people are usually eligible for unemployment. Furloughed people aren't. 

Furlough is an old military term. Still used quite often in the government. 



During the Obama administration, when the Republicans were in control of Congress and the Senate, there were a couple of Government shutdowns which resulted in some Gov employees being Furloughed.  


yes          .


Extremely common corporate HR word to describe a temporary layoff.  Some types of business's have frequent seasonal work cycles so furloughs will be very common. Otherwise most business's will just permanently fire people when their work slows.  Companies always use it in bad times, the problem with it is there's really no guarantee you will get your job back.  I would advise anyone furloughed to spend the time looking for a new job.  


 I heard of furlough over 10 years ago

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