Why would you best friend stab you in the back? ?

I once had a best friend. We were so tight for 3 years. She went on to college & got busy. One night I call her & she told me she don't care if I go visit her. That I don't matter anymore. I was so shocked because we would tell people we were cousins. How can she go from my best friend to acting like she don't know me? Am I living in a fantasy world for thinking that our friendship would last forever? 


Maybe, like me, she couldn't understand your English.

Maybe she didn't want people to think she was your cousin.

Yes, you WERE living in a fantasy world.


That's not backstabbing.

You spent a lot of time with her and she probably did not view you as a best friend, but someone who spent a lot of time with her, like a commodity and not a person (almost). Some people behave that way. They give you clues over time. Look back and see the signs. I would be hurt by someone saying that to me on the phone too, but it's not backstabbing. Backstabbing is betraying you by revealing something you did not want others to know or criticizing in a heinous way while pretending to be a friend. She just let you know the truth for her so you could move on with a real friend. Thank God you know now!


Just forget about her. She does not care. You cannot change how people fee. Just move on, and leave her behind.


Figuratively or literally?