Can I have some advice, please?

I’m a 21 year old girl and I have been seeing this 28 year old guy. The thing is, he has a Masters degree, is a special education teacher, and is a complete gentleman. I, on the other hand, only have a high school diploma and work as an assistant manager at Justice in a mall. He treats me like a queen. We were talking one day and he said he had always wanted to get his ears pierced because he has never done anything “wild” like that in his life and always admired people who had piercings and tattoos. I talked him info letting me pierce his ears at the store one day. Oh my gosh. When he got them done and seen them in the mirror for the first time, he had the biggest smile ever and his face was as red as a tomato. He absolutely loved them! Well, today, he told me that I am the most amazing girl he has ever known and having pierced ears is the first time in his life he has ever felt “attractive.” Do you think this guy is boyfriend material? 


a guy with pierced ears looks  GAY