Emasculating to be a kept man?

Is it embarrassing or emasculating to be a house husband and kept by your wife or girlfriend?


It's kind of the opposite. A man has to have a secure sense of self to stay home with the kids while his wife is the breadwinner. Stay-at-home dads are the most confident of all men :-)

Barb Outhere2020-07-26T15:38:25Z

Shouldn't be in these modern times. Unfortunately society's attitude hasn't kept up with the changing situations. 
Two of my 5 brothers were househusbands at some points in time and I certainly didn't think any less of them for it.

Andrew Smith2020-07-23T23:55:39Z

No.  Only if you are so sexist that you fail to understand how the world works.  Few women have ever been "kept women".  They have always been expected to contribute long hours and hard work to the family.  It only becomes an issue if you are not contributing whatever you can.