Looking to get away for a couple days?

My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary in a couple weeks and are planning to go to a cabin and maybe due a couple other things in TN. Do you think we should still go because of Covid or cancel it and reschedule for next year? Thanks.


If you're planning on driving all the way and either camping out or driving straight through, go for it. If it involves any kind of public transportation like a plane, train or bus, cancel and reschedule.


I’m confused how you think you would get coronavirus in the middle of an isolated cabin. You’re more likely to get it at your normal job. Also, if you’re younger than 55, your chance of dying from the coronavirus (if you even contracted it) is less than 1 in 20,000


It's better to stay inside these days. Don't go outside if you don't have any other choice. 


Honestly, it's probably not a bad away to get away and have fun. I wouldn't cancel, I'd just make sure to be very cautious, stay away from people, and definitely wear a mask


Reschedule it. And do something nice at home.