Does BLM really care about Black Lives?

IF BLM really cares about Black Lives why don't they ever address the causes of black poverty like single parenthood and lack of a father in the home? Why don't they preach and encourage respect for our laws AND law enforcement if they are concerned with incarceration rates? Why don't they tout the value of hard work and an education over a life of welfare? And finally, why do black people still vote for democrats given the democrats have done nothing to improve their lives?


They mostly care about the money Soros gives them.   


Spoken like a true ignorant white person. I suggest you better educate yourself on the issues. Why don't you address why there are so many single-parent black homes? Why don't you address all the video footage of black people being harassed, abused, and arrested without committing a crime and while being respectful? Why would they vote RepubIican when RepubIicans don't have the slightest concern or understanding for them? This nation is so segregated that people can't even understand how the other side lives.