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It could work for some, but not for others. There are also studies that indicate the life of an open marriage is usually limited and cannot be expect to last beyond a certain period like 10 years maximum.
no, i want all the titties to myself
It doesn't matter what anyone here is 'open' to, and asking questions about the respondents is a chat violation. If you are interested in one or in one, and have serious questions about that lifestyle, feel free to post them.
Dr. Stephanie
The question is not whether I would be open, but why you are asking, and whether you are open to this situation. You have now asked 137 questions, received over 1,437 answers. Please write again, if you wish, and tell us why you are asking and what advice you may be seeking.
sure. I'd tell her she can bang any dk she wants right after she signs the divorce papers. And, if she ever asked, that would be the immediate end of the marriage, no second chance and no forgiving, she would be on the street.