How long is Coronavirus last around the world?


It amazes me the sheer ignorance of the answers here.  They have multiple vaccines that work!!!!!  They just need to make sure they are safe and figure out how long they last.

With the current stage of the various vaccines that have already proven effective, they will start vaccinating special people in December 2020 and will be available for everyone by Spring 2021.  Some vaccines are proving more effective than others so it's possible those who vaccinate early may have to do it again in a few months.  In the wealthier countries that can afford to give out millions of doses things will be mostly normal by late Summer 2021.  


If we don't eradicate the Orangevirus on Nov 3, it'll be around for 10+ years.


No one knows right now how long the pandemic will last.


Until it wants to leave. Just like other viruses. 


YEARS, probably. Honestly, my guess would be about 5 yrs,.. three, if there's a vaccine by next spring, but that's a really *big IF.* They've been working on a SARS & MERS vaccine for nearly 10 yrs and haven't found one yet. And Covid-19 is in that same family of viruses.

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