Heard about a young trucker dying from Sepsis tooth infection ?

Long story short I have a broken tooth in my mouth that has been infected for over a year my doctor sent me 2 dosages of antibiotics and I took them I never got around to taking it out as the pain has stopped and it hasn’t come back ever since it’s been over 7 months I plan on taking care of this as soon as the COVID is more under control my question is can I die from this I’m googling to much and seeing it’ll get a abscess and go to my brain and I’ll die I saw it happened to a trucker young I’m 27 and healthy and fit otherwise

k w2020-08-24T19:39:29Z

too bad, you are flaking off dead cells into your bloodstream by doing nothing, and that is quite unhealthy.
when you can , I'd search yelp dot com for a Biological dentist near you and pay for a consultation. and they are the best dentists around......I got one......


Chill out, get off your behind ,and call the dentist TODAY.  Yes, anyone can get sepsis and anyone can die from sepsis if it goes untreated.

The issue with a tooth infection is that your teeth are very near your brain.  If the tissue in your jaw/mouth becomes infected, that infection can travel to your brain very quickly.  An infection may not travel at all, as well.

It just is insane to be in constant pain for a year and to not address what is clearly a serious issue.