How many Trump University graduates does it take to change a light bulb?

Anything to support your answer?

Lord Bacon2020-08-24T10:18:27Z

Favorite Answer

As any of those graduates will tell you, there never was a light bulb. That is fake news made up by (choose one of the following):
1. Liberals
2. Communists
3. The Chinese
4. Gays
5. Transgenders
6. Scientists
7. Illegal immigrants
8. Muslims
9. The media
10. The World Trade Organisation
11. The World Health Organisation
12. The United Nations
13. Benefits claimants


None because all of them would be dead by now from injecting bleach a few months ago..... 

And the remaining would’ve died from the “Kung Fu virus”.......... 

Mr. Smartypants2020-08-24T08:56:02Z

Anyone who was stupid enough to pay . . . what was it, like $25,000? . . . thinking he was going to learn valuable secrets from Donald Trump is too stupid to be trusted with a light bulb.  He might try to swallow it, or sit on it and see what hatches.


idk. But Biden says he will tell us if we elect him.