Is it socially acceptable to wear a hoodie at a pub?
Hello, friendly neighbourhood over-thinker with anxiety here. I’m actually venturing out to a pub, is it like considered bad if you wear a hoodie?
Hello, friendly neighbourhood over-thinker with anxiety here. I’m actually venturing out to a pub, is it like considered bad if you wear a hoodie?
Favorite Answer
Unless it has some specific dress code rules any establishment should be fine with hoodie wearer.
Who cares what society says, wear what you feel comfortable in. If it's cold out, I wear a hoodie. I also have a nice big hood on my coat which I wear practically everywhere.
Not unless you're going for The Unabomber look.
Depends on which pub, in which part of Britain. Don't wear the hood up over your head.
It should be. Hoodies are creepy.