What do dreams of paralysis mean?

I’ve been having these lately.


You must be feeling pretty helpless these days as when one is paralyzed one is also helpless.  And then one has to depend on other ppl to help him/her along in Life. So look to your Life right now and ask yourself what is it that has made you feel helpless?  Once this is discovered, you may be able to take some action (regarding it) and then these dreams of being paralyzed will fade away. 


Paralysis means that there is a force greater then you that does not allow you to move as you wish.

When people experience sleep paralysis they are dealing with a higher force that is holding them down. Sometimes they can only see a dark figure in the room or something similar, but they can't move at all.

Many people have posted such experiences here in Yahoo Answers. You can run a search for sleep paralysis and see all the comments they received.

Please understand that God is love, and he created us in His image so we are free to move according to the free will He has given us.

Physical or spiritual paralysis does not originate from God, but from evil spirits and demons.

I do not have enough details on your personal experience to make a judgment call on what is going on in your specific case, but I very much recommend you give your life to Christ so He can live in you. Unless you have Jesus Christ evil spirits and demons have free access to you. As this world rushes towards darkness and God's judgments more and more people will have awful experiences as they sleep. 

Please, get right with God. He does not accept lukewarm Christians. Surrender 100% to Jesus Christ and plead Psalm 91 over your life daily.

How to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord?
It is the easiest thing in the world. Just close your eyes, focus on him and pray something like this:

"Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins and I ask you to wash me clean. I am sorry for all the bad things I have done and the many times I broke God's Will. Please forgive me and fill me with the gift of the Holy Spirit. I want to belong to God. I want to be adopted into his family as his son/daughter. I want to get to know you. I want a relationship with you. Come into my heart. I give you control over my life. Please lead me through the Holy Spirit and make your Word real to me. Fill my soul with the peace that surpasses understanding and help me change so that I may lead a life that is pleasing to you. I want to go to heaven and I want to be called by the Fathers name. As of today I declare that I belong to you". Amen