Do Canadians live in Canada?
I though that canadians lived in Canada, but my friend said that Canada isn't real and that it's another name for people who live in Colorado.
I though that canadians lived in Canada, but my friend said that Canada isn't real and that it's another name for people who live in Colorado.
I'm thinking your friend told a joke and you missed it.
I suspect a troll. Though possibly your best friend is American (i.e. from the USA) and thus suffering from that cloud of ignorance which covers so many Americans.
You do not even need to drive to Canada, simply get hold of a world atlas and look for 'North America'. There you will see Canada and the USA.
Tell your friend he is an idiot.
Get in your car and drive North. Where ever you live in the United States, sooner or later you will arrive in Canada. Canada the Second Largest Country in the World after Russia.
You are quite correct. Canadians do live in Canada.
Your friend is incorrect. Canada is so real that it is larger than the USA in terms of area.
It's hard to decide whether your friend is more stupid or you are.
Canada does exist. It demonym is Canadian.
Canada is larger than the USA and is located on the North Amercian continent to the north of the contiguous 48 states of the continental USA.