Trump is now saying?

that you can kill a few people because you 'probably' my be harmed because you put yourself in a position, while armed. Religious groups support the killings by raising money for a multi murderers defense.
Is this what you want from the president of the United States and is this the wild wild west America you want to live in?


Ralph, just read the news quotes... Here is one of the few articles about it.


Lol, liberals sure are good at spinning everything, huh?


No, I support legal drug programs like Switzerland. Somebody always votes it down every time I say it, but the numbers don't lie. They cut crime by over half, as well as homelessness, ODs, diseases from sharing needles, everything. They're one of the happiest, safest, and richest per capita countries in the world. Now look at what's happening in America. You suck, you're like a third world country, right next to a first world one. In the midst of it. The war isn't working, it never did, and that's about all there is to it. The drugs are dealt by the US government. That's the CIA's black budget for funding foreign armies. So it's stupid, and I'm sick of looking at it. Give people their medication, through a doctor, and there won't need to be a war, but of course nobody is going to do that. 


Well that is what your now saying. So next time maybe provide an actual quote from Trump. And we've all seen the videos, Kid was getting chased by thug number one (white guy in red shirt who ironically kept using the N word even though it was supposed to be about black justice). Shots went off. Then the kid was chased, tackled, tried to steal his gun and he defended himself. I agree the kid shouldn't have been there and yes he shouldn't have had a gun and I say let him have his day in court and pay the price for any crimes he committed. Murder isn't going to be one of them though.


Sounds like Trump is advocating violence against the police. The police have a record of being dangerous. Trump says it’s ok to kill people who might be dangerous.