Trump weasels his way out of Vietnam with alleged bone spurs, lol...calls war hero John McCain, 5 years at Hanoi Hiltin, a!!!!!?


So, an induction doctor declares Trump unfit for service and that is "weaseling" out?  How so?

He called McCain that because he knew McCain couldn't handle criticism, and would blow a gasket.  It was a calculated political move for effect, and the blow landed solidly enough to send McCain to the sidelines.

It's too bad Benedict McCain was such a butt-hurt loser that the decided to trash the policies he was elected to implement just to spite Trump.  McCain proved himself a loser, after all.


Trump would never sacrifice himself for our country.  He's too selfish for that.  And he would never fight because he is a coward.


I agree, Dump is the loser and the worst president we have ever had.


Of course... Trump represents conservative amorality. Conservatism in America has been taken over by a religion of greed; Ayn Rand is the example.
This is a nihilistic mentality. A "morality" of obtainers. He who obtains is the righteous and the good. How he obtained... they pretend that question matters, but it doesn't.
Conservatism today is amoral and nihilistic. The idea of sacrifice is alien to it.


And everyone knows it's true that he calls our fallen heroes "suckers and losers." Even the people who are desperately trying to deny it.

@Mike: His doctor was paid to write a letter. No X-rays necessary.

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