Who shoulda I vote for in this emection.?

Who shoulda I vote for in this emection.?
I have a vote or something. Which means I decides who is presimwnt or something. There is some guy called tump who is the current king or whatever. He is a nazi who is going to blow up a volcanoe with an a bomb. I’ll put him on the maybe list. Another guy going for it is a dead guy. Or not dead, but like nearly which means the next in line is a black chick. She has a laugh like a hyena.. like seriously. I think I’ll vote for her. Who will you vote for?


I will vote for whoever makes illiteracy a crime.


not a chat room


Don't vote for anyone, so you'll be calmer, and remember that here you are not on the politics section, but in Religion, we Christians don't give a damn about Politics.