Can Danio Glowfish be kept at 78F?

I want to get some Danio Glowfish, but I don't want a new heater for my tank. Mine is set to 78F and can't be adjusted and I know they prefer lower temperatures. 


They will adapt. Just makes sure you buy at least 6-8 or more, since they are a schooling fish and are constantly on the move. And that they have room to swim. 


yes they can , thats fine.  I have done it.  The more important things are keeping them in a large enough tank, and a large enough school.  8 plus is the minimum number for theses guys.  you can mix the regular danios to fill out the school if the glo fish are too expensive.  A 20 gallon long aquarium is 30 inches long, and it is barly enough length for these crazy active fish.