My neighbor has loud dogs, what should I do?

I have a neighbor with 2 extremely loud dogs that bark every night. It scares my cats and makes my dog bark back. What should I do?

E. H. Amos2020-09-14T15:37:15Z

Favorite Answer

Check your laws concerning nuisance barking.  Often, if done long enough (example:15 minutes non-stop after 10PM) is enough where I live.  So at that point (esp if you made a: video, a recording, or call the people) OR if the dogs are barking in the background - while you tell them - WHY you are calling - the police or AC will come.  (Your calls are recorded.)
Feel free to step outside & let them have a BARKING BLAST!Try calling the  police NON-emergency number to ask about the laws, or call your local Animal Control and ASK what the laws are for your city, town or municipality.  Make sure you know who is the RIGHT group to call, if the laws are violated.  In my case, it was the police and yes, unlike some places where this will be ignored - (despite the law) my police DID COME and did cite the owner (& it stopped).


check out the local ordinances regarding "Noise abatement". If  you are lucky there might even be State Legislation.

Contact the Animal Control Officer.

Barking dogs between certain Hours may be unlawful.


My cousin is going through the same thing. I say just talk to them and tell them. If that doesn't work, say that they either need to keep their dogs quiet or you're going to complain. 


Uh huh, and the neighbor says the same about you. Neither one of you has enough brain cells left to bring your dogs inside or keep them quiet. You don't have any control over your dog and that's obvious. He started it, no you did, no you did........ 


So your dog is loud and barks at night too.    I suggest you solve your own dog's behavior problem before you complain to the neighbors about theirs. 

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