Does God support Donald Trump?


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If that's the case, God doesn't care one bit about morals.


God appoints all leaders (Romans 13). Consequently, he supports them. Some leaders are appointed to punish the people for their wickedness, which is clearly the case with Obama. President Obama unleashed and permitted every manner of evil upon the nation. Trump was appointed after Christians got on their knees and prayed to God for forgiveness and redemption for the nation in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14.


Your president has learned to play his trumpet with the Feds, his support is not on God, but it is in his interest to accumulate dollars in the bank!
God supports His faithful believers, because they listen, and put His laws into practice!
Beyond that, no Christian is allowed to enter into Politics, it is corrupt, and it does not obey all the laws of God, but of men?
Is that clear? Or do I have to repeat it to you on other occasions?


God will support anyone who chooses to be part of His Kingdom. If you make God the center of your life, he will make you the center of His. 


God supports Donald Trump just like God supports all.

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