A guy came looking for his mail in my home I just moved into ?? A little nervous now?

Hi. I moved to nassau county. South valley stream. Long story short, not long after we moved in (maybe a week) someone came asking for their mail. My husband and I said we didn't have it because really it's none of our business and it shouldn't be comint here anyway. He told my husband he lived down the block and that he accidently put it this address (sounds like a bs story) anyway, he came again I believe yesterday and asked for it. What would u do at this point? I want someone advice because I don't feel safe now. Would you answer the door if he came again?


If you do receive mail for him, simply write “RETURN TO SENDER. NOT AT THIS ADDRESS” and give it back to your postal carrier or drop it in a mailbox. If he comes by again, ask him if he registered a Change of Address with the Post Office. Second: contact your Post Office and tell them this is happening and be SURE to give them his name and CORRECT ADDRESS. You are under no obligation to do anything but do bear in mind that while a lot of mail is junk, it can also contain bills, notices, legal documents, medications, and other VERY IMPORTANT items. If you were in this guy’s situation (provided he’s telling the truth), how would you want others to treat you?


It seems some mail HAS been arriving that isn't for you or your husband.

So why are you still holding on to it? Hand it back to the mailman, or write "No longer at this address" and stick it in a mail box. Let the addressee and the Post Office sort it out between them.
You are not obliged to hand over mail to someone you don't know but you are also not allowed to hold mail that isn't meant for you.

Sean Dalt2020-09-19T20:22:53Z

It could be very possible that the mail was still being delivered to your home if it was his old address of where your current address is. Find out his name and just say that if you get any mail that is his, you would mail it back or just get his number and information. Although the post office should really be forwarding mail to his new residence. 


Ask for his address and tell him that if you get any of his mail, either forward it on to him or take it to his address yourself.  And do just that.


tell him you'll bring it over if you find it

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