Opinion on my baby names?

I'm 39 weeks pregnant with my daughter and I got 6 names I like. Her middle name is gonna be Lynn. The names are Erika, Hanna, Lizana, Lydia, Victoria, and Nicoletta. Based on these names which one do you like most? I know it's up to me but I'd just like some opinions on the names my 7 year old and i picked. My 7 year old daughter wanted to name my daughter and these were our favorites.


thanks guys my husband and i ended up naming her Victoria Lynn. Glad for everyones advice they gave me


I like Victoria and not Nicoletta but Nicolette......


I like Victoria Lynn


Erika or Victoria work best with Lynn. Lydia is pretty, but it doesn't sound great with Lynn and it's too repetitive with the "Ly" in both names.


Victoria Lynn....
Nicoletta Lynn is cute..


Erika Lynn or Hanna Lynn

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