Now with all the comments and answers. And the news around the world. Are humans intelligent and civilized?

Not so. They keep on expanding like a plague and destroying nature with out thinking.
Not getting along with each other and not having respect for any other form of life on this planet. Brain washing their offspring with out dated ideas from hundreds of years ago. and still a need to kill each other for their beliefs. And still have the wrong sense of value. While the only value is life and not objects or numbers. And humans are still attracted to violent behavior. And still need nationalities and race. And presidents and queens and kings. They too are just like other humans. They eat, sleep, get sick and die. Just like other humans.

So where is the intelligence and civilized behavior?

Humans have no rights, but they do have responsibilities has the animal species with they are capable of.

Sylvan Flowers-Staniforth2020-09-28T22:38:13Z

OK, just read Freud or any of of the Psychoanalysts who come after him. They will all continually tell you that humans are incredible irrational and make terrible decisions all the time. 
Or dive into the deeper philosophy or JRR Tolkien, who basically posits that with every era of technological advancement, more people will die, and society will eventually collapse. 
Some Vedic teachings are similar; we live in the age furthest from the creation of the gods. 


Humans are intelligent and can be civilized. Our purpose here is to get along. When that happens the world will change.