5.25" and 3.25" disks for the DOS OS not reading properly?
So the game I was playing on the DOS machine had an error. I still own the original 3.25" disk. So I put the disk into the drive, and get a General Read Error. I got out my 3.25" USB floppy drive, put the original disk in and it read it perfectly fine. Didn't get any kind of errors at all.
So I was able to copy from the original 3.25" disk to an unused and brand new 3.25" disk. I placed the brand new 3.25" disk into the DOS machine, and it read that disk without any problems. (back when walmart still sold 3.25" disks I bought a couple packs, they just been sitting ever since)
I've never had any other OS or computer system other than DOS, and I know for absolutely certain, 1000% certain, that all of my 5.25" and 3.25" disks are made for DOS only. Can this be an issue of those disk drives going bad?
Back in the old days I could run Scandisk to fix bad errors on the disk, but Scandisk won't even run on those disks. And like I said, the original 3.25" disk read fine on my USB 3.25" disk drive, but the disk wouldn't read on the actual 3.25" disk drive installed in the DOS machine.