Can I get an unemployment benefit if I am forced to quit the job because I tested positive for Covid 19?
I live in U.S.
I live in Nebraska.
I live in U.S.
I live in Nebraska.
Favorite Answer
Forced to quit, yes. Told you have to quarantine and have a negative test before you can come back to work, no. That is covered under a sick leave policy and/or disability insurance and/or paid family leave.
Usually you can get unemployment if you're forced to quit your job for any reason usually.
That will depend on the state you live in.
Nekkid Truth!
You were NOT "forced" to quit.
You chose to quit.
Unemployment is for those who were fired or laid off for no fault of their own AND are also available for work and seeking work.
If you're sick, youre not available for work
You are never forced to quit a job. By definition, if you quit you quit voluntarily and therefore are not eligible for unemployment.